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When should I skip a training session?

I’m sure it’s happened to you at some point. You wake up, have breakfast, get your clothes ready for a cycling training session and get on the trainer. Suddenly, you feel that your body is not performing as well as it should and a question pops into your head: should I skip the workout?

Or maybe you can’t even find the time to get on the bike. Schedules, commitments or work often make it difficult. And the question comes up again: should I skip training?

When these circumstances arise, the most sensible thing to do is to take a step back and try to evaluate the possible reasons that have led us to feel this way. This is the only way to find answers to our question.

Internal factors and external factors

There are two types of stress that can affect our body: physical stress and mental stress. Both are responsible for our overall stress and, more often than not, to blame for our inability to cope with cycling training.

The stress that leads to these circumstances can be produced by various factors that can be classified into two groups: external and internal.

External factors

We are talking about all those extra-sporting situations that influence the sport: family, work and life emergencies that occur beyond our control.

We can’t torment ourselves with these factors, they are part of our life and should come before something that is just a hobby. Instead of getting annoyed and wasting energy on something that has no solution, spend it on trying to sort things out so that you can focus on the next session.

Stressing about missing a workout won’t do you any good. What’s more, it can affect your sleep, increase tension and hurt your next workout.

Just accept reality and try to switch off and rest so that you are at 100% for the next session.

External factors

Now we are facing situations with direct implications in sports. When you are sick, tired, feel fatigue or do not find the motivation to pedal, for example.

Sometimes, we blame these situations simply on a lack of desire or motivation, but the human body is very intelligent and is probably warning us of something. Perhaps it is telling us that it needs rest to recover. Listening to your body is important, especially when faced with symptoms of overtraining.

Giving up cycling training: what is the right decision?

The right decision will always be the one we make ourselves. We must be capable enough to make a decision and for this it is important to learn to know and listen to our body and be realistic with the circumstances and signals that surround us.

If there is one thing we must learn, it is that there is no magic formula and that sometimes taking a step back and taking a rest day instead of accumulating another cycling workout that doesn’t add up is the best decision we can make.

Are you exhausted and haven’t rested well lately? It’s not the time to tackle a demanding workout. But a quick, easy session probably won’t be the solution either. Trading your planned training time for extra sleep is the best decision.

Are you stressed and can’t find the peace of mind you need? Stress is stress, whether it’s physical or mental. Treat them equally. Take a day off to regain a positive mental space. If you are one of those people who disconnect with sport, an easy session or a recovery workout can be a good option.

Is your body still aching from a demanding last session? Have you heard of delayed onset muscle soreness? It exists and shows signs of life after 72 hours. When it appears it is simply a matter of not forcing and allowing our body to recover with easy sessions.

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